4 insights from web user behavior research

Design your web based on user behavior research to design well. Your target audience may not be like you. Users are impatient and desire instant gratification. Users scan. Design with scannable layout (headings, categories, bullet lists, images, etc.) that fits eye sight trail. Users expend enough effort to satisfice. Design for minimal information and layout… Continue reading 4 insights from web user behavior research

13 golden rules for website designing

What is the action goal you desire from users visiting your web site? You have 10 seconds or less to make a good first impression. Answer user questions quickly and intuitively. Krug’s first law of usability, the web-page should be obvious and self-explanatory. Who are you serving? Be user-centric. Target-audience behavior dictates design. What do they… Continue reading 13 golden rules for website designing

From information to action

Websites for information are valuable. They inform folks about life and death issues as well as not so drastic issues. But websites for information are not designed to get a response from visitors viewing their sites. And more than likely, such websites have no strategy to drive traffic to their sites. So, they float, largely… Continue reading From information to action

3 Steps to Driving Traffic From Social Media

Just finished reading Neil Patel’s excellent article: Stop Guessing: Here’s a Social Media Strategy That Works. Below are my take away thoughts.   Understanding your Traffic Use Alexa and Google Adwords to study traffic demographics of popular sites that offer what you do. Questions to answer about your traffic (Design a survey): Why do they want… Continue reading 3 Steps to Driving Traffic From Social Media

7 Step Strategy for a Compelling Sales Page

1. Compelling Target What is your best and main Unique Selling Proposition (USP)? This will target your viewers. All other offers for viewers are subset and supportive. Identify the target audience that is best matched to your USP.   2. Compelling Narrative Identify the pain points. What are client’s greatest struggles, biggest problems and worries.… Continue reading 7 Step Strategy for a Compelling Sales Page