Publish content to your website


Publishing a WordPress post

  1. Open Post, and select Add New.
  2. Name the title of the post’.
  3. Add a new category called ‘All’ and any other categories that will appropriately identify your future blogs.
    1. Suggestion: Think of categories as chapters in a book; and tags as book index labels.
    2. ‘All’ will be useful for creating an index of all your posts.
    3. The ‘uncategorized’ posts will be excluded from the index.
  4. Add ‘Tags’ to make your post more easily found in searches.
  5. Click ‘Update’ to save changes.
  6. Now write content in the content space of your post, update, and view page to see what it looks like.

Publishing a WordPress page

  1. Open ‘Pages’, and select ‘Add new’.
  2. Title the new page.
  3. Write something of interest in the space provided.
  4. Click ‘Update’ to save changes.
  5. View page to see what it looks like.

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