24 must have Free WordPress Plugins and alternatives for your website.
- Antispam Bee [for spam] [located in Settings]
- Wordfence Security, Secure, faster, etc. Scan, Fix, schedule. Turn on Falcon engine in Performance menu.
- UpdraftPlus – WordPress Backup and Restoration (Backup to Dropbox) [located in Settings]
- Duplicator: Backup, migrate, copy, clone a site from one location to another. (Complicated)
- Flexible Posts Widget, Display posts any way you’d like!
- BAW Login/Logout menu, Add login & logout link in your WP menus along with user registration to use site.
- WP-Optimize (HostGator recommended to optimize WordPress databases) [Process to optimize]
- WP Super Cache (HostGator recommended). Turn on cache.
- Yoast SEO [Configure settings].
- Reveal IDs [No need to hunt for IDs to posts and pages]
- Broken Link Checker
- FD Feedburner Plugin [located in Settings]
- Custom Login or WPlogin Customizer
- Theme My Login [TML in Dashboard]. Auto Creates Login and logout pages with your page theme.
- Alternative: Erident Custom Login and Dashboard
- WordPress Importer (already available in Tools for import.)
- RSS Multi Importer
- WP Re-Importer
- ReadyMade WordPress Importer
- WP-ShowHide, content is hidden and user will have to click on the “Show Content” link to toggle it.
- WP Easy columns
- TablePress
- Hupso Share Buttons for Twitter etc.
- Rotating Tweets (Twitter widget and shortcode) (Find secret by clicking on ‘manage keys and access tokens’)
- Twitter Widget Pro
Viewer/user experience:
- Contact Form 7. Recapcha included in the form option.
- Contact Form 7 Widget, Use your Contact Form 7 forms and other shortcodes in your sidebars.
- Use the URL and address to go directly to Google maps- https://maps.google.com/maps?q=438++E.+Katella+Ave,++Suite+201+Orange,++California+92867&hl=en&ll=33.810621,-117.848582&spn=0.006757,0.011351&sll=34.751928,-92.131378&sspn=3.420712,5.811768&hnear=438+E+Katella+Ave+%23201,+Orange,+California+92867&t=h&z=16
- Events Manager (Use Asana)
- Booking Calendar
- YOP Poll (conflicts with Contact 7 form)
- LiveFyre, for live comments
- WP Simple Paypal Shopping Cart
- PayPal Donations, Donate button
- Easy Digital Downloads, for selling digital products in a light, performant, and easy to use plugin.
- Jigoshop
- PayPal Framework
- WooCommerce – excelling eCommerce
- WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart
- WP E-Commerce Plugin
- WP-Invoice – Web Invoice and Billing
Marketing tools:
- AdRotate
- Adinserter
- Google AdSense (How it works) (How to set it up)
- Google Analytics Dashboard, for viewing analytics on WP Dashboard
- Google Analytics for WordPress, on Google account page. Don’t need both.
- Google XML Sitemaps
- Ad injection