24 must have Free WordPress Plugins and alternatives for your website.


  1. Antispam Bee [for spam] [located in Settings]
  2. Wordfence Security, Secure, faster, etc. Scan, Fix, schedule. Turn on Falcon engine in Performance menu.
  3. UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup and Restoration (Backup to Dropbox) [located in Settings]
  4. Duplicator: Backup, migrate, copy, clone a site from one location to another. (Complicated)


  1. Flexible Posts Widget, Display posts any way you’d like!
  2. BAW Login/Logout menu, Add login & logout link in your WP menus along with user registration to use site.


  1. WP-Optimize (HostGator recommended to optimize WordPress databases) [Process to optimize]
  2. WP Super Cache (HostGator recommended). Turn on cache.
  3. Yoast SEO [Configure settings].
  4. Reveal IDs [No need to hunt for IDs to posts and pages]
  5. Broken Link Checker 
  6. FD Feedburner Plugin [located in Settings]
  7. Custom Login or WPlogin Customizer
  8. Theme My Login  [TML in Dashboard]. Auto Creates Login and logout pages with your page theme.
    1. Alternative: Erident Custom Login and Dashboard
  9. WordPress Importer (already available in Tools for import.)
    1. RSS Multi Importer
    2. WP Re-Importer
    3. ReadyMade WordPress Importer


  1. WP-ShowHide, content is hidden and user will have to click on the “Show Content” link to toggle it.
  2. WP Easy columns
  3. TablePress


  1. Hupso Share Buttons for Twitter etc.
  2. Rotating Tweets (Twitter widget and shortcode) (Find secret by clicking on ‘manage keys and access tokens’)
    1. Twitter Widget Pro


  1. Media Library Assistant
  2. Media File Manager Advanced

Viewer/user experience:

  1. Contact Form 7. Recapcha included in the form option.
  2. Contact Form 7 Widget, Use your Contact Form 7 forms and other shortcodes in your sidebars.
  3. Use the URL and address to go directly to Google maps- https://maps.google.com/maps?q=438++E.+Katella+Ave,++Suite+201+Orange,++California+92867&hl=en&ll=33.810621,-117.848582&spn=0.006757,0.011351&sll=34.751928,-92.131378&sspn=3.420712,5.811768&hnear=438+E+Katella+Ave+%23201,+Orange,+California+92867&t=h&z=16
  4. Events Manager (Use Asana)
  5. Booking Calendar
  6. YOP Poll (conflicts with Contact 7 form)
  7. LiveFyre, for live comments


  1. WP Simple Paypal Shopping Cart
  2. PayPal Donations, Donate button
  3. Easy Digital Downloads, for selling digital products in a light, performant, and easy to use plugin.
  4. Jigoshop
  5. PayPal Framework
  6. WooCommerce – excelling eCommerce
  7. WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart
  8. WP E-Commerce Plugin
  9. WP-Invoice – Web Invoice and Billing

Marketing tools:

  1. AdRotate
  2. Adinserter
  3. Google AdSense (How it works) (How to set it up)
  4. Google Analytics Dashboard, for viewing analytics on WP Dashboard
    1. Google Analytics for WordPress, on Google account page. Don’t need both.
  5. Google XML Sitemaps
  6. Ad injection